Deck Name        Prince of Miami
2    Lucian   
1    Anatole   
2    Gilbert Duane   
2    Gregor Anderson   
1    Dancin Dana   
1    Didi Meyers   
1    Victoria   
1    Zebulon   
1    Dollface   
1    Zoe   

Master    21   
6    Rotschrek   
3    Madness Network   
3    Blood Doll
1    Info Highway
1    Dreams of the Sphinx
1    Brothers Grimm
1    Giants Blood
1    Powerbase Montreal
1    Dominate
1    The Coven
1    Heidelberg Castle
1    From a Sinking Ship

Minion    59
3    Graverobbing
3    Nose of the Hound
1    Far Mastery
1    Ivory Bow
1    Sengir Dagger
2    Improvised Flamethrower
1    Sargon Fragment
4    Swallowed by the Night
2    Forgotten Labyrinth
2    Lost in Crowds
2    Elder Impersonation
2    Govern the Unaligned
1    Conditioning
4    Wake with Evenings Freshness
1    Forced Awakening
10    Second Tradition
3    Spirits Touch
2    Eagles Sight
1    Attonement
5    Deflection
4    Disengage
2    Disguised Weapon
1    Shadow Feint
1    Clan Impersonation

Order Direct (and other stuff)