Huitzilopochtli as Played by Brian Moritz at Gehenna has Come 06/27/04

Huitzilopochtli x12

Master 32
Info Highway x2
Dreams of the Sphinx x2
Parthenon x3
The Barrens x2
Elder Library
Storage Annex x5
Minion Tap x7
Fortitude x7
Golconda x3

Minion 56
Social Charm x4
Intimidation x5
Threats x9
Lost in Crowds x5
Faceless Night x3
Swallowed by the Night x3
Cloak the Gathering x3
Spying Mission x3
Domain of Evernight x4
Daring the Dawn x3
Call the Great Beast x7
Soul Gem of Etrius x7

Order Direct (and other stuff)